Advanced reactor technologies have generated interest for their potential to reduce fossil fuel emissions, improve energy efficiency and cut down on nuclear waste. We have designed, constructed , and operated a specialized test facility to measure hydraulic parameters and validate computational … [Read more...]
Pebble Bed Test Facility
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR) concept leverages a particle-based fuel format consisting of discrete spherical graphite pebbles arrayed in a packed bed architecture. Thermal regulation achieved via flow of gas (e.g., helium) or liquid (e.g., molten salt) coolants through the void … [Read more...]
Critical Heat Flux Test Facility
The Critical Heat Flux / Departure from Nucleate Boiling test loop provides a means of evaluating the DNB performance of test geometries representative of commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear fuel. The test facility has operated at the Product Engineering Development Laboratory, which … [Read more...]