The 5th benchmark of CFD applications to Nuclear reactor safety has been approved by CSNI. Its main objective is to go a step further in the application of single-phase CFD to nuclear safety issues with mixing problems possibly in presence of buoyancy effects. The Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) … [Read more...]
The Generic Safety Issue 191
Our research team, in collaboration with the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), has solved the Generic Safety Issue (GSI) - 191, a problem resulting from a loss of coolant accident in a nuclear reactor, which can cause debris to be generated and potentially impact the … [Read more...]
Experimental Studies of PWR 5×5 Fuel Bundles
Fuel assemblies of pressurized water reactors (PWRs) are constructed from fuel rods and supports to create rod bundles. To support and maintain the lateral spatial gaps of the rods, support grids are positioned at regular intervals in the direction of axial flow. With the presence of the spacer … [Read more...]
Subcooled Flow Boiling Experiments
Subcooled flow boiling experimental benchmarks in simple geometries are part of an ongoing two-phase flow fundamental research performed at the Thermal-hydraulics laboratory in the Nuclear Engineering Department. State-of-the-art visualization techniques are simultaneously implemented, … [Read more...]
Steam Condensation Test Facility
The steam-air condensation facility investigates the phenomena of direct contact condensation that occurs when steam comes in direct contact with water creating a violent and complicated exchange of mass and energy. The heat transfer coefficient between the steam and water is calculated, as well as … [Read more...]
Critical Heat Flux Test Facility
The Critical Heat Flux / Departure from Nucleate Boiling test loop provides a means of evaluating the DNB performance of test geometries representative of commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear fuel. The test facility has operated at the Product Engineering Development Laboratory, which … [Read more...]