- H Kim, J Seo, Y Hassan, C Moon,… Sodium heat pipe startup and non-condensable gas interactions Physics of Fluids 37(2), 027126, 2025.
- M Gorman, K Fernandez-Cosials, J Sanchez-Torrijos, … TRACE system code benchmark of Station Blackout of a NuScale-like reactor and comparison with NuScale simulator Annals of Nuclear Energy 213, 111078, 2025.
- E Merzari, I Bolotnov, N Dinh, E Baglietto, A Manera, D Shaver, Y Hassan Building a multiscale framework: An overview of the NEAMS thermal-hydraulics integrated research project Nuclear Engineering and Design 433, 113807, 2025.
- F Aldebie, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Design and optimization of the components of a molten salt, thorium-fueled accelerator driven system Progress in Nuclear Energy 178, 105486, 2025.
- M Gorman, YA Hassan Modeling and validation of a water-cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) Annals of Nuclear Energy 208, 110747, 2024.
- D Reger, E Merzari, T Nguyen, YH Lan, P Fischer, Y Hassan A Study of the Transition to Turbulence in a Bed of 67 Spherical Pebbles Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 1-35, 2024.
- R Chavez, NK Anand, YA Hassan, S Girimaji Flow over a sphere at elevated pressures: An analysis of the near-wake using spectral proper orthogonal decomposition Physics of Fluids 36 (11), 2024.
- MG Kim, V Ravisankar, YA Hassan, VM Ugaz Biochemically Programmable Isothermal PCR Advanced Science 11 (41), 2404688, 2024.
- GT Vilela, K Fern ndez-Cosials, YA Hassan Hydrogen risk assessment methodology for small containments using a commercial CFD code Nuclear Engineering and Design 428, 113446, 2024.
- MG Kim, V Ravisankar, Y Hassan, VM Ugaz Accelerating Pathogen Detection: Towards Portable, Rapid Isothermal PCR Diagnostics 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2024.
- D Lanade, Y Hassan Numerical study of convective heat transfer in randomly packed beds of low aspect ratios Physics of Fluids 36 (10), 2024.
- D Reger, E Merzari, P Balestra, Y Hassan Improving the modeling of near-wall interphase heat transfer in porous media models of Pebble Bed Reactors Nuclear Engineering and Design 427, 113424, 2024.
- JS Yoo, S Qin, JL Hartvigsen, DM Mikkelson, RM Saeed, J Seo, H Kim, … Performance Investigation of High-temperature Latent Heat Storage for Integration with Advanced Nuclear Reactors Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2024.
- V Ravisankar, YA Hassan, VM Ugaz Thermal Convection in Hydrothermal Vent Systems: Environments for Integrated Prebiotic Chemistry and Origin of Life Processes 2024 Goldschmidt Conference, 2024.
- T Melsheimer, C Menezes, DW Pyle, M Kinsky, YA Hassan Particle image velocimetry measurements for transition flow regime through a porous blocked subchannel in a 61-pin wire-wrapped bundle Nuclear Engineering and Design 424, 113314, 2024.
- J Reis, J Seo, Y Hassan Consequences of molten salt solidification in a natural circulation flow visualization loop due to heater failure Nuclear Engineering and Design 424, 113278, 2024.
- I Yilgor, ZD Sellers, JL Hartvigsen, KM Sweetland, PH Huang, T Ahn, … Recent Developments and Findings of Heat Pipe Experiments for Microreactor Applications Nuclear Technology, 1-35, 2024.
- LC Aldeia Machado, V Coppo Leite, E Merzari, L Wright, L Ibarra, … Temperature Field Reconstruction of Surfaces Heated Through Radiative Heat Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks Heat Transfer Summer Conference 87905, V001T14A005, 2024.
- T Melsheimer, C Menezes, YA Hassan Fluid Dynamics Effects of a Porous Blockage on Laminar Flow in the Interior Subchannels of a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Rod Bundle Nuclear Technology, 1-17, 2024.
- S King, T Nguyen, Y Hassan A pressure drop and particle image velocimetry investigation into depressurized loss-of-coolant accident parameters applied to packed beds with an aspect ratio of D/dp= 4.4 Nuclear Technology 210 (7), 1245-1257, 2024.
- AR Kraus, E Merzari, M Martin, D Langewisch, Y Hassan High-Fidelity Simulations of Shield Assembly Mixed-Convection Flows with Applications Toward Reduced-Resolution Modeling Nuclear Science and Engineering 198 (7), 1455-1476, 2024.
- D Reger, E Merzari, P Balestra, S Schunert, Y Hassan, S King Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation of a 67-Pebble-Bed Experiment Nuclear Technology 210 (7), 1258-1278, 2024.
- H Kim, J Seo, YA Hassan Surrogate-based multi-objective design optimization of tree-shaped fins with uniform branch end distribution for latent heat thermal energy storage Physics of Fluids 36 (7), 2024.
- H Kim, J Seo, Y Hassan Flow Regime Classification in Hexagonal Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assembly Using Advanced Machine Learning Models Nuclear Technology, 1-24, 2024.
- F Aldebie, K Fernandez-Cosials, Y Hassan Thermal-mechanical safety analysis of heat pipe micro reactor Nuclear Engineering and Design 420, 113003, 2024.
- DW Pyle, C Menezes, YA Hassan Particle image velocimetry measurements of transition flows in an 84-pin hexagonal rod bundle with spacer grids Nuclear Engineering and Design 420, 112951, 2024.
- HH Frost, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, L Shao, TD Parker Methods of energy generation from a thorium molten salt system US Patent App. 18/295,045, 2024.
- J Reis, J Seo, Y Hassan Flow visualization experiments of argon injection in a molten salt natural circulation loop Physics of Fluids 36 (4), 2024.
- J Reis, J Seo, Y Hassan Molten salt flow visualization to characterize boundary layer behavior and heat transfer in a natural circulation loop Physics of Fluids 36 (3), 2024.
- D Lanade, O Bovati Davalos, C Menezes, Y Hassan Flow analysis through a randomly packed pebble-bed geometry using computational fluid dynamics Physics of Fluids 36 (2), 2024.
- H Kim, J Seo, YA Hassan, JS Yoo, S Qin, JL Hartvigsen Evaluation and selection of eutectic salts combined with metal foams for applications in high-temperature latent heat thermal energy storage Journal of Energy Storage 76, 109790, 2024.
- Y Hassan An overview of computational fluid dynamics and nuclear thermal hydraulics applications Handbook on Thermal Hydraulics in Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors, 251-348, 2024.
- F D’Auria, Y Hassan, KD Kim, D Bestion Perspectives in nuclear thermal hydraulics Handbook on Thermal Hydraulics in Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors, 457-500, 2024.
- O Bovati, Y Hassan Numerical study of the impact of blockages on the Thermal-Hydraulic performance of 19 and 61-pin Wire-Wrapped bundles with conjugate heat transfer using RANS Annals of Nuclear Energy 194, 110122, 2023.
- K Ngo, NK Anand, Y Hassan Particle deposition model for a fully developed turbulent channel flow Nuclear Engineering and Design 414, 112580, 2023.
- O Bovati, Y Hassan Assessment of RANS and LES in predicting the flow in a 61-pin wire-wrapped bundle with a porous blockage Nuclear Engineering and Design 414, 112587, 2023.
- V Ravisankar, MG Kim, Y Hassan, V Ugaz Multi-Parameter Optimization of Microfluidic Convective PCR for Rapid Portable Bioanalysis 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2023.
- A Almathami, BR Maher, YA Hassan Experimental PIV Measurements in a Randomly Packed Isothermal Pebble Bed Core Prototype Proceedings of SCOPE 13, 15, 2023.
- C Menezes, M Kinsky, DW Pyle, YA Hassan Experimental characterization of pressure and friction factor in an interior subchannel of a 61-pin wire-wrapped rod bundle with a porous blockage Physics of Fluids 35 (11), 2023.
- O Bovati, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Validation of RANS simulations on a 61-pin wire-wrapped fast-reactor fuel assembly under the presence of localized blockages Nuclear Engineering and Design 413, 112512, 2023.
- F Aldebie, K Fernandez-Cosials, Y Hassan Neutronic and thermal analysis of heat pipe cooled graphite moderated micro reactor Nuclear Engineering and Design 413, 112483, 2023.
- D Orea, NK Anand, YA Hassan Experimental analysis of temperature and vapor core pressure for an annular heat pipe Physics of Fluids 35 (9), 2023.
- DS Wisnubroto, Y Hassan, MA F tterer SI: Best of HTR 2021 Nuclear Engineering and Design 411, 112410, 2023.
- MS Sena, YA Hassan Thermal-hydraulic behavior simulations of the reactor cavity cooling system (RCCS) experimental facility using Flownex Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55 (9), 3320-3325, 2023.
- D Reger, E Merzari, S Lee, P Balestra, Y Hassan High-fidelity simulation of pebble beds: Toward an improved understanding of the wall channeling effect arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.05031, 2023.
- A Manera, A Iskhakov, V Leite, J Mao, C Tai, V Vishwakarma, R Wiser, … NEAMS IRP challenge problem 3: Mixing in large enclosures and thermal stratification Proc. 20th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), 2023.
- N Sutton, B Maher, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Flow-Visualization of a Prototypical Helical Coil Test Bundle Undergoing Vibrations Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 87462, V003T04A013, 2023.
- V Ravisankar, YA Hassan, VM Ugaz Synergistic Trapping and Chaotic-Mixing: A Driving Force for Assembly of Protocell-like Vesicles in Hydrothermal Pore Networks Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023.
- DS Wisnubroto, MA F tterer, Y Hassan Editorial for Best of HTR 2021 Nuclear Engineering and Design 408, 112281, 2023.
- C Menezes, T Melsheimer, YA Hassan Flow field characteristics of a 127-pin rod bundle with hexagonal spacer grids Physics of Fluids 35 (6), 2023.
- O Arora, KF Cosials, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Pressure drop and friction factor study for an airfoil-fin printed circuit heat exchanger using experimental and numerical techniques International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 101, 109137, 2023.
- J Seo, H Kim, YA Hassan Experimental study on the startup of the annular wick type heat pipe using fiber optical temperature measurement technique Physics of Fluids 35 (5), 2023.
- HH Frost, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, L Shao, TD Parker Methods of energy generation from a thorium molten salt system US Patent 11,621,098, 2023.
- D Reger, E Merzari, P Balestra, S Schunert, Y Hassan, H Yuan An improved pressure drop correlation for modeling localized effects in a pebble bed reactor Nuclear Engineering and Design 403, 112123, 2023.
- C. Menezes, T. Melsheimer, D. W. Pyler, M. Kinsky, Y. A. Hassan Flow characteristics within an interior subchannel of a 61-pin wire-wrapped hexagonal rod bundle with a porous blockage Physics of Fluids 35 (2), 027106, 2023.
- C. F. Matozinhos, Y. A. Hassan Scale-resolving simulations of the flow in a nuclear fuel bundle with a channel spacer grid using partially averaged Navier–Stokes and large-eddy simulation Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 015115, 2023.
- J. Lee, P. Balestra, R. Muyshondt, D. T. Nguyen, R. Skifton, Y. A. Hassan Validation of Pronghorn Pressure Drop Correlations Against Pebble Bed Experiments Nuclear Technology 208 (12), 1769-1805, 2022.
- H. Kim, J. Seo, Y. A. Hassan Prediction of flow regime boundary and pressure drop for hexagonal wire-wrapped rod bundles using artificial neural networks Physics of Fluids 34 (10), 107103, 2022.
- O. Bovati, Y. A. Hassan Implementation of a CFD methodology for computing subchannel friction factors and split parameters in wire-wrapped rod bundles Nuclear Engineering and Design 397, 111952, 2022.
- L. M. Alawneh, R. Vaghetto, G. Harold, Y. A. Hassan Conceptual design of a 3 MWth yttrium hydride moderated heat pipe cooled micro reactor Nuclear Engineering and Design 397, 111931, 2022.
- C. F. Matozinhos, A. D. Carroll III, C. Menezes, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Experimental measurements of fluid flow in an 84-pin hexagonal rod bundle with spacer grid for a gas-cooled fast modular reactor International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 97, 109014, 2022.
- A. Alwafi, T. Nguyen, Y. Hassan, N. K. Anand, Y. A. Hassan Experimental analysis of a non-isothermal confined impinging single plume using time-resolved particle image velocimetry and planar laser induced fluorescence measurements International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 193, 122952, 2022.
- Y. M. Chen, S. K. Chen, Y. A. Hassan The blockage model of Upgraded Cheng and Todreas correlation for pressure drop in hexagonal wire-wrapped rod bundles Nuclear Engineering and Design 395, 111874, 2022.
- M. El Mellouki, S. Bhushan, C. Pilmaier, D. K. Walters, M. Gorman, B. Hollrah, Y. A. Hassan Validation of Low and High-Fidelity Turbulence Models for Prediction of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Low Prandtl Number Flows Under Buoyant and Separated Flow Conditions Presented at the Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 85840, V002T05A008, 2022.
- M. A. Yildiz, E. Merzari, T. Nguyen, Y. A. Hassan Modal Decomposition of the Flow in a Randomly Packed Pebble Bed with Direct Numerical Simulation Nuclear Technology 208 (8), 1279-1289, 2022.
- V. M. Ugaz, V. Ravisankar, Y. A. Hassan Quantification of Physicical Processes Driving Assembly of Protocell-like Vesicles in Micro-Scale Hydrothermal Pores Presented at the 2022 Goldschmidt Conference.
- J. Seo, D. Kim, H. Kim, Y. A. Hassan Design optimization of gap distance for the capillary limitation of a heat pipe with annular-type wick structure Physics of Fluids 34 (6), 067116, 2022.
- B. H. Choi, N. K. Anand, P. Sabharwall, Y. A. Hassan Large eddy simulation of flow through an axisymmetric sudden expansion Physics of Fluids 34 (6), 065117, 2022.
- S. Lee, Y. A. Hassan Flow structures of the cross-flow over a five-layer helically coiled steam generator geometry International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 95, 108950, 2022.
- C. Menezes, A. D. Carroll III, C. F. Matozinhos, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Turbulent flow characteristics in an 84-pin rod bundle for typical and damaged spacer grids Physics of Fluids 34 (5), 055103, 2022.
- C. Menezes, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Experimental investigation of the subchannel axial pressure drop and hydraulic characteristics of a 61-pin wire wrapped rod bundle Journal of Fluids Engineering 144 (5), 051403, 2022.
- J. Seo, D. Kim, H. Kim, Y. A. Hassan An experimental investigation on the characteristics of heat pipes with annular type composite wick structure Nuclear Engineering and Design 390, 111701, 2022.
- J. Lee, S. King, T. Nguyen, P. Balestra, S. Schunert, G. Guidicelli, Y. A. Hassan Pronghorn Porous Media Model Validation with Pressure Drop Measurements Presented at The 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, 2022.
- D. Orea, L. Al-Mahbobi, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Temperature dependence of laser induced fluorescence in molten LiF-NaF-KF Eutectic using Tb3+, Eu3+, and Dy3+ Journal of Luminescence 243, 118641, 2022.
- D. Holler, M. Avramova, C. Takasugi, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Phase 1 Specifications and preliminary sensitivity analyses of the OECD-NRC liquid metal fast reactor core thermal-hydraulics benchmark Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors-PHYSOR 2022.
- O. Bovati, M. A. Yildiz, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Pressure drop and flow characteristics in partially blocked wire wrapped rod bundles Annals of Nuclear Energy 165, 108671, 2022.
- D. E. Chavez, S. R. Yang, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Experimental investigation of single helium bubbles rising in FLiNaK molten salt International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 92, 108875, 2021.
- S. Taghizadeh, F. D. Witherden, S. S. Girimaji, Y. A. Hassan Turbulence closure modeling with data-driven techniques: Investigation of generalizable deep neural networks Physics of fluids 33 (11), 115132, 2021.
- R. Muyshondt, N. K. Anand, T. Nguyen, Y. A. Hassan Flow and heat transfer in the wake of a triangular arrangement of spheres Physics of Fluids 33 (11), 115127, 2021.
- S. Bhushan, M. Elmellouki, D. K. Walters, M. Gorman, B. Hollrah, Y. A. Hassan Assessment of Low and High-Fidelity Turbulence Models for Liquid Metal Flow Predictions Presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 85673, 2021.
- L. Shao, R. Vaghetto, H. H. Frost, T. D. Parker, Y. A. Hassan Thorium molten salt system using internally generated proton-induced neutrons US Patent 11,114,212, 2021.
- H. Kim, Y. M. Chen, Y. A. Hassan Prediction of pressure drop in hexagonal wire-wrapped rod bundles using artificial neural network Nuclear Engineering and Design 381, 111365, 2021.
- O. Arora, B. Lancaster, S. R. Yang, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Advanced flow and temperature measurements in a forced convection molten salt test loop Annals of Nuclear Energy 159, 108269, 2021.
- O. Bovati, M. A. Yildiz, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan RANS simulations for transition and turbulent flow regimes in wire-wrapped rod bundles International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 90, 108838, 2021.
- J. Yoo, C. E. E. Perez, Y. A. Hassan Force balance model predictions of sliding bubbles velocity in vertical subcooled boiling flow International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175, 121368, 2021.
- R. Muyshondt, T. Nguyen, N. K. Anand, Y. A. Hassan Experimental measurements of the wake of a sphere at subcritical Reynolds numbers Journal of Fluids Engineering 143 (6), 2021.<
- J. Seo, S. Lee, S. R. Yang, Y. A. Hassan Experimental investigation of the annular flow caused by convective boiling in a heated annular channel Nuclear Engineering and Design 376, 111088, 2021.
- M. Childs, R. Vaghetto, P. Jones, N. Goth, Y. A. Hassan Experimental determination and analysis of the transverse pressure difference in a wire-wrapped rod bundle International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 170, 120958, 201.
- T. Nguyen, S. King, Y. A. Hassan Experimental investigation of turbulent characteristics in pore-scale regions of porous media Experiments in Fluids 62, 1-27, 2021.
- C. F. Matozinhos, G. C. Q. Tomaz, T. Nguyen, Y. A. Hassan Experimental investigation of turbulent flow characteristics in cross-flow planes of a 5× 5 rod bundle with a spacer grid International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 87, 108757, 2021.
- D. Orea, R. Chavez, D. T. Nguyen, R. Vaghetto, N. K. Anand, Y. A. Hassan Particle Deposition Study in a Horizontal Square Channel Using High-Resolution Imaging EPJ Web of Conferences 247, 10011, 2021.
- R. Vaghetto, S. Yang, D. Hodge, Y. A. Hassan Two-phase flow measurements and observations in a cooling panel of the reactor cavity cooling system Progress in Nuclear Energy 131, 103578, 2021.
- M Delgado, GA Porter, YA Hassan, NK Anand Experimental shell-side surface pressure measurements on tubes within a model helical coil heat exchanger Nuclear Engineering and Design 370, 110906 13, 2020.
- AM Krueger, VA Mousseau, YA Hassan Local Truncation Error-Informed Code Verification Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 5 (4), 041005, 2020.
- R Chavez, D Orea, B Choi, TD Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, … An experimental study of solid and liquid aerosol transport in a horizontal square channel Aerosol Science and Technology 54 (12), 1399-1423, 2020.
- JS Yoo, CE Estrada, YA Hassan Achievements and Ongoing Challenges for advanced CFD Boiling Closure Model Development using Physical Insights from Validation-Oriented High-Fidelity Boiling Experiment Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2020.
- HH Frost, TD Parker, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, L Shao Proton source thorium molten salt assembly for energy generation US Patent 10,839,971, 2020.
- E Alsmadi, L Alawneh, SR Yang, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION OF THE SHIELDING OF AN ACCELERATOR DRIVEN THORIUM-FUELED MOLTEN SALT LOOP USING MCNP6 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 123 (2020), 2020.
- M Childs, R Muyshondt, R Vaghetto, DT Nguyen, Y Hassan Experimental study on the effect of localized blockages on the friction factor of a 61-pin wire-wrapped bundle Journal of Fluids Engineering 142 (11), 111211, 2020.
- R Vaghetto, HH Frost, YA Hassan, L Shao, TD Parker Thorium fuel rod structure and assembly US Patent 10,803,998, 2020.
- T Nguyen, B Maher, Y Hassan An experimental investigation of a square supersonic jet and impinging jet on an inclined plate AIP Advances 10 (10), 2020.
- B Maher, R Chavez, GCQ Tomaz, T Nguyen, Y Hassan A fluid mechanics explanation of the effectiveness of common materials for respiratory masks International Journal of Infectious Diseases 99, 505-513, 2020.
- CF Matozinhos, GCQ Tomaz, T Nguyen, AAC dos Santos, Y Hassan Experimental measurements of turbulent flows in a rod bundle with a 3-D printed channel-type spacer grid International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 85, 108674, 2020.
- HH Frost, TD Parker, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, L Shao Thorium molten salt assembly for energy generation including solid Thorium rods US Patent 10,784,009, 2020.
- R Vaghetto, HH Frost, YA Hassan, L Shao, TD Parker Thorium fuel rod structure and assembly US Patent 10,777,327, 2020.
- E Merzari, P Fischer, M Min, S Kerkemeier, A Obabko, D Shaver, H Yuan, … Toward exascale: overview of large eddy simulations and direct numerical simulations of nuclear reactor flows with the spectral element method in Nek5000 Nuclear Technology 206 (9), 1308-1324, 2020.
- B Hollrah, M Bucknor, D Lisowski, Y Hassan, R Vaghetto, R Hu Benchmark Simulation of the Natural Convection Shutdown Heat Removal Test Facility Using SAM Nuclear Technology 206 (9), 1337-1350, 2020.
- HH Frost, TD Parker, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, L Shao Thorium molten salt system for energy generation US Patent 10,755,830, 2020.
- HH Frost, TD Parker, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, L Shao Thorium molten salt assembly for energy generation US Patent 10,748,670, 2020.
- BH Choi, D Orea, T Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, P Sabharwall Deposition velocity and penetration efficiency in a square channel using a Lagrangian-based modeling approach International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 83761, V001T03A026, 2020.
- T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Turbulent Flow Characteristics in a Blocked Exterior Subchannel of a Helically Wrapped Rod Bundle International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 83785, V003T13A029, 2020.
- J Yoo, YA Hassan Force balance model assessment for mechanistic prediction of sliding bubble velocity in vertical subcooled boiling flow Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2020.
- R Vaghetto, HH Frost, YA Hassan, L Shao, TD Parker Thorium fuel rod structure and assembly US Patent 10,720,245, 2020.
- R Vaghetto, Y Hassan, M Anderson, M Corradini An Experimental Study of Design and Performance for the Water-Based Reactor Cavity Cooling System Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States), 2020.
- M Childs, R Muyshondt, G Busco, MA Yildiz, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Effect of Localized Blockages on the Friction Factor of a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Bundle Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 83723, V002T03A045, 2020.
- TD Nguyen, B Maher, YA Hassan Turbulent Flow Measurements and Visualizations of Supersonic Jets Impinging on a Flat Plate and an Inclined Plate Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 83723, V002T03A023, 2020.
- G Busco, SR Yang, J Seo, YA Hassan Sneezing and asymptomatic virus transmission Physics of Fluids 32 (7), 2020.
- T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Experimental investigation of turbulent wake flows in a helically wrapped rod bundle in presence of localized blockages Physics of Fluids 32 (7), 2020.
- D Orea, R Vaghetto, T Nguyen, Y Hassan Experimental measurements of flow mixing in cold leg of a pressurized water reactor Annals of Nuclear Energy 140, 107137, 2020.
- D Orea, BH Choi, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, NK Anand, … Development of Innovative Measurement Techniques for Fission Product Transport Quantification Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2020.
- GA Porter, M Delgado, YA Hassan Surface pressure measurements in a model helical coil steam generator using pressure sensitive paint Nuclear Technology 206 (4), 565-576, 2020.
- SJ Lee, YA Hassan Numerical investigation of helical coil tube bundle in turbulent cross flow using large eddy simulation International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 82, 108529, 2020.
- MA Yildiz, G Botha, H Yuan, E Merzari, RC Kurwitz, YA Hassan Direct numerical simulation of the flow through a randomly packed pebble bed Journal of Fluids Engineering 142 (4), 041405, 2020.
- D Holler, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Water temperature measurements with a Rayleigh backscatter distributed sensor Optical Fiber Technology 55, 102160, 2020.
- T Nguyen, B Maher, Y Hassan Flowfield characteristics of a supersonic jet impinging on an inclined surface AIAA Journal 58 (3), 1240-1254, 2020.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan, P Fischer, O Marin Verification and validation of large eddy simulation with Nek5000 for cold leg mixing benchmark Nuclear Engineering and Design 358, 110427, 2020.
- H Yuan, MA Yildiz, E Merzari, Y Yu, A Obabko, G Botha, G Busco, … Spectral element applications in complex nuclear reactor geometries: Tet-to-hex meshing Nuclear Engineering and design 357, 110422, 2020.
- R Muyshondt, M Childs, R Vaghetto, T Nguyen, Y Hassan, NK Anand Pressure drop measurements in a 61-pin wire wrapped hexagonal fuel bundle in presence of localized subchannel blockages Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 123 (1), 1531-1534, 2020.
- M Elmellouki, G Busco, WD Jock, S Bhushan, DK Walters, YA Hassan, … Validation of turbulence models for heat transfer prediction for low-pr flows Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 123 (1), 1497-1500, 2020.
- MA Yildiz, Y Hassan, E Merzari Numerical simulation of the flow through a randomly packed pebble bed with small bed-to-pebble diameter ratio Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 123 (1), 1493-1496, 2020.
- J Lee, P Balestra, S Schunert, A Novak, Y Hassan, M DeHart, R Martineau Pronghorn Fully Compressible Equation Set Validation Against SANA Open Plenum Experiments Proceedings of HTR, 2020.
- F D’Auria, SN Aksan, Y Hassan A perspective in development for nuclear thermal hydraulics OECD/NEA/CSNI Specialists Meeting on Transient Thermal-hydraulics in Water …, 2020.
- S Taghizadeh, Y Hassan, F Witherden, S Girimaji Turbulence closure modeling with machine-learning methods: Influence of choice of neural network and training procedure APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, S01. 031, 2020.
- A Krueger, V Mousseau, YA Hassan LTE-informed code verification Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, 2020.
- BR Maher, S Yang, T Nguyen, Y Hassan Experimental Study of Flowfield and Pressure Fluctuation of a Supersonic Impinging Jet AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, 2558, 2020.
- Y Hassan, F D’Auria Preface for the Memorial Corner Issue devoted to E. Uspuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 361 (110627), 1-3, 2020.
- R Laymouna, A Samoka, A Haggag, A Almaghraby, Y Hassan, … P868 Dissecting myocardium European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 21 (Supplement_1), jez319. 512, 2020.
- L Brockmeyer, E Merzari, J Solberg, Y Hassan One-way coupled simulation of FIV in a 7-pin wire-wrapped fuel pin bundle Nuclear Engineering and Design 356, 110367, 2020.
- V Ugaz, Y Hassan, T Nguyen, E Merzari Experimental and Computational Analysis of NEAMS Pebble Bed Reactors Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States), 2019.
- F D’Auria, N Aksan, Y Hassan Nuclear thermal-hydraulics: What is it? Preface NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 354, 2019.
- MA Yildiz, E Merzari, YA Hassan Spectral and modal analysis of the flow in a helical coil steam generator experiment with large eddy simulation International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 80, 108486, 2019.
- JK Lai, G Busco, E Merzari, YA Hassan Direct numerical simulation of the flow in a bare rod bundle at different Prandtl numbers Journal of Heat Transfer 141 (12), 121702, 2019.
- F D’Auria, Y Hassan Selected thoughts and writings by Geoffrey Hewitt Nuclear Engineering and Design 354, 110255, 2019.
- F D’Auria, N Aksan, Y Hassan Nuclear thermal-hydraulics: What is it? Nuclear Engineering and Design 354, 110246, 2019.
- F D’Auria, Y Hassan Findings from the SI papers Nuclear Engineering and Design 354, 110247, 2019.
- F D’Auria, N Aksan, Y Hassan The future of nuclear thermal-hydraulics Nuclear Engineering and Design 354, 110248, 2019.
- Y Hassan High-fidelity experimental measurements for modeling and simulation of nuclear engineering applications Nuclear Engineering and Design 354, 110181, 2019.
- L Brockmeyer, E Merzari, J Solberg, K Karazis, Y Hassan High fidelity simulation and validation of crossflow through a tube bundle and the onset of vibration International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 117, 103231, 2019.
- BH Choi, D Orea, T Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, P Sabharwall Numerical study of particle transport and deposition in a horizontal channel using a Lagrangian-based modelling approach ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 59438 …, 2019.
- D Orea, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, NK Anand, YA Hassan, P Sabharwall Experimental study of surrogate particle transport and deposition in a square channel using particle tracking technique ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, V006T06A085, 2019.
- J Seo, S Lee, D Wacker, J Lee, Y Hassan Experimental study on flow characteristics of vertical upward annular flow boiling in an annulus APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, Q11. 006, 2019.
- T Nguyen, L White, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan High-fidelity velocity measurements in a totally blocked interior subchannel of a wire-wrapped 61-pin hexagonal fuel bundle Nuclear Engineering and Design 353, 110234, 2019.
- D Holler, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan High-resolution wall temperature measurements with distributed fiber optic sensors International Journal of Thermal Sciences 145, 106042, 2019.
- G Busco, YA Hassan Solution verification of PANS model for a PWR fuel assembly Nuclear Engineering and Design 353, 110213, 2019.
- T Nguyen, L White, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Turbulent flow and vortex characteristics in a blocked subchannel of a helically wrapped rod bundle Experiments in Fluids 60, 1-28, 2019.
- SR Yang, J Seo, YA Hassan Thermal hydraulic characteristics of unstable bubbling of direct contact condensation of steam in subcooled water International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138, 580-596, 2019.
- S Bhushan, M Elmellouki, WD Jock, DK Walters, JK Lai, YA Hassan, … Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics for attached and separated low-PR flows Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 59032, V002T02A054, 2019.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan, A Obabko Validation and development of DNS database for low Prandtl numbers in Rod Bundle Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 59032, V002T02A057, 2019.
- MS Gorman, M Delgado, S Lee, YA Hassan Analysis of Velocity Distributions Across a Model Helical Coil Steam Generator Nuclear Technology 205 (7), 881-890, 2019.
- G Busco, E Merzari, YA Hassan Invariant analysis of the Reynolds stress tensor for a nuclear fuel assembly with spacer grid and split type vanes International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 77, 144-156, 2019.
- NR Quintanar, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Natural circulation flow distribution within a multi-branch manifold International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 135, 1-15, 2019.
- AM Krueger, VA Mousseau, YA Hassan Rigorous code verification: An additional tool to use with the method of manufactured solutions Verification and Validation 41174, V001T04A002, 2019.
- AM Krueger, VA Mousseau, TC Haskin, NW Porter, Y Hassan Verification Validation and Uncertainty Quantification Hierarchy. Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2019.
- A Alwafi, T Nguyen, Y Hassan, NK Anand Time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements of a single impinging jet in the upper plenum of a scaled facility of high temperature gas-cooled reactors International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 76, 113-129, 2019.
- M Delgado, YA Hassan, NK Anand Experimental flow visualization study using particle image velocimetry in a helical coil steam generator with changing lateral pitch geometry International journal of heat and mass transfer 133, 756-768, 2019.
- AAC dos Santos, M Childs, TD Nguyen, Y Hassan Convergence study and uncertainty quantification of average and statistical PIV measurements in a matched refractive index 5× 5 rod bundle with mixing vane spacer grid Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 102, 215-231, 2019.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan Sensitivity analyses in a buoyancy-driven closed system with high resolution CFD using Boussinesq approximation and variable density models International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 75, 1-13, 2019.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan Large eddy simulation of the flow behavior in a simplified helical coil steam generator Journal of Fluids Engineering 141 (2), 021401, 2019.
- DT Nguyen, B Maher, Y Hassan Effects of nozzle pressure ratio and nozzle-to-plate distance to flowfield characteristics of an under-expanded jet impinging on a flat surface Aerospace 6 (1), 4, 2019.
- BW Yang, H Ninokata, Y Hassan, FB Cheung Foreword: Selected papers from the 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17) Nuclear Technology 205 (1-2), v-vi, 2019.
- E Merzari, H Yuan, A Kraus, A Obabko, P Fischer, J Solberg, S Lee, J Lai, … High-fidelity simulation of flow-induced vibrations in helical steam generators for small modular reactors Nuclear Technology 205 (1-2), 33-47, 2019.
- T Nguyen, S King, YA Hassan Lagrangian velocity measurements in a pore-scale of a randomly packed bed using matching-refractive-index and time-resolved PTV techniques Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1637-1639, 2019.
- LLA White, N Goth, J Pettyjohn, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan High-fidelity velocity measurements in a totally blocked subchannel of a wire-wrapped 61-pin hexagonal fuel bundle 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- R Muyshondt, DT Nguyen, Y Hassan, NK Anand Non-intrusive velocity and temperature measurements of buoyant flows from inductively heated dual-spheres Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1633-1636, 2019.
- GCQ Tomaz, CF Matozinhos, T Nguyen, Y Hassan Artificial neural network method for automatic mask generation for PIV: Applications in a 5×5 rod bundle with mixing vane spacer grids 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- D Orea, R Chavez, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, NK Anand, YA Hassan, … Experimental investigation of surrogate particle transport in a turbulent channel flow: Versatile test reactor program Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1153-1156, 2019.
- J Lee, S Schunert, D Gaston, Y Wang, J Ortensi, M DeHart, Y Hassan Native MOOSE meshing capability for light water reactor analysis 2019 International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods …, 2019.
- CF Matozinhos, GCQ Tomaz, M Childs, T Nguyen, Y Hassan, … High-resolution velocity measurements in the vicinity of a customized spacer grid with rod bundle using matching index of refraction and particle image velocimetry 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- D Orea, R Vaghetto, T Nguyen, V Kyriakopoulos, Y Hassan Benchmark exercise on flow mixing in cold leg of a pressurized water reactor Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1783-1786, 2019.
- N Aksan, D Bestion, F D’Auria, Y Hassan Summary of the CONUSAF Workshop (NUTHOS-12) strengthening of the CONUSAF & BC V-213 Results (year 2004) Proceedings of CONUSAF 2nd meeting-Tirrenia (PI, Italy) Feb. 25-26, 2019 1 …, 2019.
- BW Yang, H Ninokata, Y Hassan, FB Cheung Selected papers from the 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17) Foreword NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY 205 (1-2), V-VI, 2019.
- S Lee, M Delgado, YA Hassan POD analysis of the shell-side local flow in a five-rod helically coiled steam generator 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- A Alwafi, T Nguyen, Y Hassan Investigation of the flow near the wall of a single impinging jet at the scaled upper plenum of HTGR using Tr-PIV The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering …, 2019.
- R Muyshondt, T Nguyen, Y Hassan High-Fidelity Velocity Measurements in a Cross-flow Plane of a Randomly Packed Bed Using Timeresolved Particle Image Velocimetry The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering …, 2019.
- D Bestion, F d’Auria, Y Hassan, N Aksan, M Lanfredini, KD Kim Remaining issues in system thermal-hydraulics–How the FONESYS and CONUSAF networks can help finding solutions? 18th Int. Top. Meet. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydraulics (NURETH-18 …, 2019.
- A Obabko, E Merzari, L Brockmeyer, P Fischer, T Sofu, B Jackson, … Validation Of NEK5000 for 37-and 61-pin wire-wrap geometries with conjugate heat transfer 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- F Roelofs, H Uitslag-Doolaard, F Bertocchi, M Rohde, K van Tichelen, … CFD and experiments for wire-wrapped fuel assemblies 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- H Yuan, E Merzari, Y Yu, A Obabko, MA Yildiz, G Botha, YA Hassan Applying tet-to-hex meshing method to complex nuclear reactor geometries for spectral element code 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2019.
- S Lee, YA Hassan Wavelet transform analysis of flow field in a helically coiled steam generator geometry Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1669-1672, 2019.
- BH Choi, D Orea, T Nguyen, NK Anand, Y Hassan, P Sabharwall Numerical investigation of fluid flow in a square channel-versatile test reactor program Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, 1149-1152, 2019.
- B Maher, TD Nguyen, CF Matozinhos, GCQ Tomaz, YA Hassan Turbulent flow measurements of the under-expanded free jet and jet impinging on a flat surface Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 120, 997-1000, 2019.
- D Orea, BH Choi, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, NK Anand, YA Hassan, … An investigation to develop measurement techniques for quantifying fission product transport in a gas-cooled fast reactor-versatile test reactor program Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 120, 1015-1018, 2019.
- MA Yildiz, E Merzari, Y Hassan, M Delgado Study of vortex shedding in helical coil steam generator Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 120, 1061-1064, 2019.
- Y Hassan, F D’Auria Preface and framework for nuclear thermal-hydraulics Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (1), 1-1, 2019.
- T Nguyen, R Muyshondt, Y Hassan, NK Anand Experimental investigation of cross flow mixing in a randomly packed bed and streamwise vortex characteristics using particle image velocimetry and proper orthogonal … Physics of Fluids 31 (2), 2019.
- LB Carasik, H Wang, YA Hassan Simulations of Twin Turbulent Planar-Like Jets Injected Into a Large Volume Using RANS Journal of Fluids Engineering 140 (12), 121108, 2018.
- SR Yang, Y Hassan Time-Resolved Temperature Field Measurement of Direct Contact Condensation of Steam in Subcooled Water using Backlight Aided Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence with High-speed … Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018.
- J Seo, S Yang, K Lee, Y Hassan Experimental Study of Bubble Dynamics of Direct Contact Condensation of Steam in Subcooled Water Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018.
- G Porter, M Delgado, YA Hassan Pressure Sensitive Paint Measurement Technique on the Surface of a Rod for Steam Generator Applications 2018 ANS Winter Meeting 118, 2018.
- M Yildiz, YA Hassan, H Yuan, E Merzari Numerical Simulation of Isothermal Flow Across Slant Five-tube Bundle with Spectral Element Method Code Nek5000 2018 ANS Winter Meeting 118, 2018.
- T Nguyen, YA Hassan, K Vierow Kirkland, T Nobuyoshi, C Masao Flow Behavior Observation of Single-Phase Air Jet Simulating a Nozzle of Terry Turbine Using PIV 2018 ANS Winter Meeting 118, 2018.
- D Holler, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Distributed Wall Temperature Measurements in a Scaled Water-Cooled RCCS http://answinter.org/wp-content/2018/data/pdfs/153-26764.pdf, 2018.
- N Goth, LLA White, W Headley, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan High Resolution Transverse Plane PIV Measurements of a 61-Pin LMFBR Fuel Bundle http://answinter.org/wp-content/2018/data/pdfs/148-26317.pdf, 2018.
- S Lee, M Delgado, SJ Lee, YA Hassan Experimental investigation of the isothermal flow field across slant 5-tube bundles in helically coiled steam generator geometry using PIV Nuclear Engineering and Design 338, 261-268, 2018.
- N Goth, P Jones, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, A Obabko, … Comparison of experimental and simulation results on interior subchannels of a 61-pin wire-wrapped hexagonal fuel bundle Nuclear Engineering and Design 338, 130-136, 2018.
- V Ravisankar, Y Hassan, V Ugaz Assembly of Protocell-like Vesicles Via Chaotic Convective Flow in Micro-Scale Hydrothermal Pores 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2018.
- N Aksan, F d’Auria, M Lanfredini, S Lutsanych, D Bestion, F Moretti, … Prospective for nuclear thermal hydraulic created by ongoing and new networks NUTHOS-12, 2018.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan Area of bubble influence due to sliding bubbles in subcooled boiling flow International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 125, 43-52, 2018.
- MA Yildiz, SR Yang, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Numerical analysis of 1/28 scaled NGNP HTGR reactor building test facility response to depressurization event using GOTHIC Annals of Nuclear Energy 119, 46-65, 2018.
- N Aksan This special issue of Nuclear Engineering and Design collects selected papers from the” specialists workshop on advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques for nuclear … Nuclear Engineering and Design 336, 1-2, 2018.
- T Nguyen, E Kappes, S King, Y Hassan, V Ugaz Time-resolved PIV measurements in a low-aspect ratio facility of randomly packed spheres and flow analysis using modal decomposition Experiments in Fluids 59, 1-29, 2018.
- SJ Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Numerical investigation of turbulent flow in an annular sector channel with staggered semi-circular ribs using large eddy simulation International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 123, 705-717, 2018.
- E Kappes, M Marciniak, A Mills, R Muyshondt, S King, TD Nguyen, … Time-resolved velocity measurements in a matched refractive index facility of randomly packed spheres International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 51494, V06BT08A058, 2018.
- MA Yildiz, E Merzari, YA Hassan Large eddy simulation of 5-tube bundle helical coil steam generator test section International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 51524, V008T09A043, 2018.
- NE Goth, P Jones, TD Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Turbulent transverse plane piv measurements on a wire-wrapped 61-pin hexagonal fuel bundle International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 51487, V06AT08A043, 2018.
- G Busco, YA Hassan Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes Turbulence Modeling of Flow in 5×5 PWR Fuel Assembly With Spacer Grid International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 51524, V008T09A041, 2018.
- G Botha, YA Hassan, RC Kurwitz, E Merzari The Influence of Pebble Placement on the Wake of Tandem Pebbles in a Free Stream International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 51531, V009T16A061, 2018.
- L Brockmeyer, A Obabko, E Merzari, Y Hassan Analysis of pressure field on wire-wrapped pin bundle surface for concerns of FSI Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 51555, V001T08A008, 2018.
- S Bhushan, O ElFajri, WD Jock, DK Walters, JK Lai, YA Hassan, … Assessment of rans, les, and hybrid rans/les models for the prediction of low-pr turbulent flows Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 51555, V001T08A005, 2018.
- M Delgado, S Lee, YA Hassan, NK Anand Flow visualization study at the interface of alternating pitch tube bundles in a model helical coil steam generator using particle image velocimetry International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 122, 614-628, 2018.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan Development of a mechanistic model for sliding bubbles growth prediction in subcooled boiling flow Applied Thermal Engineering 138, 657-667, 2018.
- A Alwafi, T Nguyen, N Anand, Y Hassan Time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements and proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of jet impingement in a HTGR upper plenum Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 118, 1120-1122, 2018.
- G Busco, YA Hassan Space and energy-based turbulent scale-resolving simulations of flow in a 5× 5 nuclear reactor core fuel assembly with a spacer grid International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 71, 420-441, 2018.
- N Goth, P Jones, TD Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan, N Salpeter, … PTV/PIV measurements of turbulent flows in interior subchannels of a 61-pin wire-wrapped hexagonal fuel bundle International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 71, 295-304, 2018.
- MI Delgado High Resolution Measurements of Shell-Side Velocity Fields in Helical Coil Steam Generators Using Particle Image Velocimetry Texas A&M University, 2018.
- A Arastu, Y Hasan, L Cizelj, JR Riznic, G Wang Selected and Revised Papers From ICONE-24 Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 4 (2), 020201, 2018.
- SR Yang, E Kappes, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Experimental study on 1/28 scaled NGNP HTGR reactor building test facility response to depressurization event Annals of Nuclear Energy 114, 154-164, 2018.
- T Nguyen, N Goth, P Jones, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Stereoscopic PIV measurements of near-wall flow in a tightly packed rod bundle with wire spacers Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 92, 420-435, 2018.
- CE Estrada-Perez, KA Kinney, JP Maestre, YA Hassan, MD King Droplet distribution and airborne bacteria in an experimental shower unit Water research 130, 47-57, 2018.
- H Wang, S Lee, YA Hassan, AE Ruggles Corrigendum to ‘Laser-Doppler Measurements of the Turbulent Mixing of Two Rectangular Water Jets Impinging on a Stationary Pool’[Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 92 (2016) 206–227 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 118, 1373, 2018.
- R Vaghetto, P Jones, N Goth, M Childs, S Lee, D Thien Nguyen, … Pressure measurements in a wire-wrapped 61-pin hexagonal fuel bundle Journal of Fluids Engineering 140 (3), 031104, 2018.
- CE Estrada-Pérez, YA Hassan, B Alkhudhiri, J Yoo Time-resolved measurements of liquid–vapor thermal interactions throughout the full life-cycle of sliding bubbles at subcooled flow boiling conditions International Journal of Multiphase Flow 99, 94-110, 2018.
- JP Mulloy, YA Hassan, D Orea, R Vaghetto A RANS simulation of cold leg buoyant mixing Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 119, 983-989, 2018.
- AAC Dos Santos, M Childs, TD Nguyen, Y Hassan Matched refractive index rod bundle and spacer grid testing facility experiments AISTech 2018 Iron and Steel Technology Conference and Exposition, 1117-1119, 2018.
- N Aksan, D Bestion, F D’Auria, Y Hassan, F Moretti Editorial of J NED Special Issue devoted to SWINTH Nuclear Engineering and Design 336 (1-2), 1-2, 2018.
- F Moretti, F D’Auria, M Lanfredini, N Aksan, K Umminger, U Hampel, … Promoting Cooperation And Technical Exchange In The Area Of Thermal Hydraulic Experimentation: SILENCE Network & SWINTH Workshops THE BEST ESTIMATE PLUS UNCERTAINTY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MULTI-PHYSICS …, 2018.
- N Aksan, D Bestion, F D’Auria, Y Hassan FONESYS-UG Founding Motivation FONESYS-UG founding meeting, 1-13, 2018.
- N Aksan, D Bestion, F D’Auria, Y Hassan CONUSAF PRESENTATION & FOUNDING MOTIVATIONS 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics …, 2018.
- N Tsuzuki, M Chaki, DT Nguyen, YA Hassan, KV Kirkland Flow behavior observation of single-phase air jet simulating a nozzle of terry turbine using PIV International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics 2018, ATH …, 2018.
- H Li, NK Anand, YA Hassan Large Eddy Simulations on Turbulent Flow of Twin Parallel Jets http://ansannual.org/wp-content/2018/Data/pdfs/499-25320.pdf, 2018.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan Towards Low Prandtl Number Investigations with Direct Numerical Simulation in Fuel Bundles http://ansannual.org/wp-content/2018/Data/pdfs/498-25123.pdf 117, 2018.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan Towards Low Prandtl Number Investigations with Direct Numerical Simulation in Fuel Bundles ANS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA June 17-21, 2018 117, 2018.
- N Quintanar, T Nguyen, YA Vaghetto, R. and Hassan Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurements in 1/23 Scaled Water Reactor Cavity Cooling System (WRCCS) 2018 ANS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA June 17-21, 2018 117, 2018.
- G Busco, T Nguyen, YA Hassan CFD Study of the Coolant Flow Mixing Inside VHTR Upper Plenum 2018 ANS Winter Meeting, Orlando Florida November 11-15, 2018 118, 2018.
- P Vegendla, R Hu, A Obabko, H Yuan, R Schultz, YA Hassan Modeling and Simulations of 1/16th Full Scale VHTR Upper Plenum 2018 ANS Winter Meeting, Orlando Florida November 11-15, 2018 118, 2018.
- A Krueger, V Mousseau, YA Hassan Adding Confidence to Solution Verification: Using MMS-Informed MEA to Better Understand Discretization Error 2018 ANS Winter Meeting, Orlando Florida November 11-15, 2018 118, 2018.
- L Brockmeyer Fluid Structure interaction simulation in application for nuclear engineering Texas A&M, 2018.
- N Goth Analysis of Experiment velocity measurements on a matched index of refraction 61 pin wire wrapped bundle Texas A&M, 2018.
- C Powell, CE Estrada-Perez, T Nguyen, YA Hassan PIV/PTV measurements of lateral velocity components in a 5× 5 PWR bundle with mixing vanes Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 119, 979-982, 2018.
- S King, E Kappes, DT Nguyen, YA Hassan, V Ugaz Probability analysis of velocity distribution in a facility of randomly packed spheres featuring matching-refractive-index and time-resolved PIV techniques Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 119, 122-125, 2018.
- E Kappes, M Marciniak, S King, TD Nguyen, YA Hassan, V Ugaz High-fidelity velocity measurements in a matched refractive index facility of randomly packed spheres ASTFE Digital Library, 2018.
- E Kappes, M Marciniak, S King, A Mills, R Muyshondt, DT Nguyen, … Time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements in a low-aspect ratio pebble bed reactor Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 118, 1123-1126, 2018.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, YA Hassan Flow development with LES for cold leg mixing benchmark AISTech 2018 Iron and Steel Technology Conference and Exposition, 1241-1244, 2018.
- S Lee, YA Hassan Experimental study of flow structures near the merging point of two parallel plane jets using PIV and POD International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116, 871-888, 2018.
- H Wang, S Lee, YA Hassan Corrigendum to Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow in the converging region of two parallel jets [Nuclear Engineering and Design 306 (2016) 89-97 … Nuclear Engineering and Design 324, 416, 2017.
- LB Carasik, DR Shaver, JB Haefner, YA Hassan Steady RANS methodology for calculating pressure drop in an in-line molten salt compact crossflow heat exchanger Progress in Nuclear Energy 101, 209-223, 2017.
- A Priye, Y Yu, V Ravisankar, Y Hassan, V Ugaz Chaotic Thermal Convection in Microfluidic Hydrothermal Pore Environments 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2017.
- T Nguyen, Y Hassan Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry measurements of flow in a rod bundle with a spacer grid and mixing vanes at a low Reynolds number International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 67, 202-219, 2017.
- L Brockmeyer, LB Carasik, E Merzari, Y Hassan Numerical simulations for determination of minimum representative bundle size in wire wrapped tube bundles Nuclear Engineering and Design 322, 577-590, 2017.
- FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan Large eddy simulations of erosion of a stratified layer by a buoyant jet International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 112, 354-365, 2017.
- LH Fick, E Merzari, O Marin, YA Hassan Investigation of the dynamics of incompressible flow in domains of multiple close-packed spheres Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58059, V01BT12A007, 2017.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, M Delgado, SJ Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Large eddy simulation of a helical coil steam generator test section Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58059, V01BT12A003, 2017.
- L Brockmeyer, J Solberg, E Merzari, Y Hassan Simulation of fluid-structure interaction of crossflow through a tube bundle and experimental validation Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58059, V01BT11A019, 2017.
- T Nguyen, M Childs, M Marciniak, Y Hassan High Resolution Stereoscopic PIV Measurements in a 5 x 5 Rod Bundle with Mixing Vane Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 116, 2017.
- LB Carasik, YA Hassan, E Merzari Numerical Simulation of Twin Jets using LES with the Nek5000 Code Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 116, 2017.
- G Busco, FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan A non-linear k-{epsilon} turbulent model sensitivity analysis for flow across a PWR spacer grid with mixing vanes Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 116, 2017.
- FS Sarikurt, G Busco, YA Hassan Toward High Fidelity LES Simulations of 5 x 5 PWR Fuel Bundle with Mixing Vane Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 116, 2017.
- JB Haefner, LB Carasik, Y Hassan TORCHE-Toolbox for Reactor Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 116, 2017.
- LH Fick, E Merzari, YA Hassan Direct numerical simulation of pebble bed flows: database development and investigation of low-frequency temporal instabilities Journal of Fluids Engineering 139 (5), 051301, 2017.
- A Priye Micro-Scale Transport Processes for Advanced Healthcare and Point of Care Diagnostics bioRxiv, 113787, 2017.
- A Priye, Y Yu, YA Hassan, VM Ugaz Synchronized chaotic targeting and acceleration of surface chemistry in prebiotic hydrothermal microenvironments Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (6), 1275-1280, 2017.
- LB Carasik, F Sebilleau, SP Walker, YA Hassan Numerical simulations of a mixed momentum-driven and buoyancy-driven jet in a large enclosure for nuclear reactor severe accident analysis Nuclear Engineering and Design 312, 161-171, 2017.
- E Kappes, SR Yang, R Vaghetto, T Nguyen, YA Hassan Experimental investigation of depressurization characteristics on the 1/28 scaled simplified HTGR reactor building model 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2017.
- SJ Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Large eddy simulation of a flow inside a helical coil steam generator test section for a small modular reactor 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2017.
- M Delgado, S Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Particle image velocimetrymeasurements between two layers of a model helical coil steam generator 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2017.
- M Delgado, S Lee, YA Hassan Differences in experimental friction factors across two model helical coil steam generators 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2017.
- S King, E Kappes, M Marciniak, DT Nguyen, YA Hassan, V Ugaz Pressure drop measurements in a versatile experimental facility of packed spheres Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 117, 1713-1716, 2017.
- LH Fick, YA Hassan, E Merzari Numerical simulation of pebble bed flows using high-fidelity methods 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2017.
- FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan Sensitivity Analysis of RANS Modeling on GEMIX CFD Benchmark Study 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, June 11-15, 2017, San Francisco, California 115, 2017.
- A Cabral, S Lee, M Heath, YA Hassan Time Analysis on a Steam Condensation Jet 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, June 11-15, 2017, San Francisco, California 115, 2017.
- MP 29. Childs, TD Nguyen, YA Hassan High Resolution Stereoscopic PIV Measurements in a 5×5 Rod Bundle with Mixing Vane 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California 115, 2017.
- N Goth, P Jones, L Saya, TD Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Time-Resolved PIV/PTV Measurements on Interior Subchannels of a Wire-Wrapped 61-Pin Hexagonal Fuel Bundle 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California 115, 2017.
- S Lee, M Delgado, CM Gullbault, YA Hassan Visualization of Flow Interaction in a Channel Flow Produced by a Pair of Helically Coiled Rods 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, June 11-15, 2017, San Francisco, California 115, 2017.
- M Delgado, H Y.A. Comparing Velocity Profiles along the Rod Length of a Helical Coil Steam Generator Model 2017 ANS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California 115, 2017.
- A Alwafi, S Lee, YA Anand, N. K. and Hassan An Experimental Study of Jet Impingement in a Scaled Model of a Very High Temperature Reactor 2017 ANS Winter Meeting, Washington DC, November 2017 116, 2017.
- H Li, NK Anand, YA Hassan Computational Study of Turbulent Flow Interaction Between Twin Rectangular Jets 2017 ANS Winter Meeting, Washington DC, November 2017 116, 2017.
- D Holler, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan New Plenum Design for Reactor Cavity Cooling System Experimental Apparatus http://answinter.org/wp-content/2017/data/polopoly_fs/1.3880378.1507849975 …, 2017.
- A Vanni, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan RELAP5-3D Sensitivity Analysis of ECCS Pumps’ Source Conditions During a Core Blockage Following a LB-LOCA in Hot Leg http://answinter.org/wp-content/2017/data/polopoly_fs/1.3879006.1507848301 …, 2017.
- N Quintanar, S Yang, L White, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Temperature Distribution in a Scaled 9 Riser Water Reactor Cavity Cooling System http://answinter.org/wp-content/2017/data/polopoly_fs/1.3879021.1507848317 …, 2017.
- PF Niemand Simulation of natural convective flow in an experimental reactor cavity cooling system facility North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2017.
- TD Nguyen, N Goth, P Jones, S Lee, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan PIV Measurements of Turbulent Flows in a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Hexagonal Fuel Bundle International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 65, 47-59, 2017.
- Y Hassan Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States Texas A&M University, 2017.
- Y Hassan An overview of computational fluid dynamics and nuclear applications Thermal-Hydraulics of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactors, 729-829, 2017.
- F Masud, Y Hassan RADIAL ARTERY OCCLUSION-A BURDEN OR A CHALLENGE? Pakistan Heart Journal 50 (1), 2017.
- V Kyriakopoulos Effect of Chemical Injections on Pressure Drop through a Fibrous Debris Bed Texas A&M University, 2016.
- SJ Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Numerical investigation of the flow inside the helical coil steam generator test section-18589 American Nuclear Society-ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park …, 2016.
- S Lee, YA Hassan Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of parallel twin jets measured using particle image velocimetry-18685 American Nuclear Society-ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park …, 2016.
- M Silberberg, S Lee, J Budd, Y Hassan Spectral Analysis of LDV Measurements inside of the TAMU Air-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System-18688 American Nuclear Society-ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park …, 2016.
- M Delgado, S Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Pressure drop measurements across a helical coil steam generator configuration-15997 American Nuclear Society-ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park …, 2016.
- SR Yang, M Silberberg, C Fullerton, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Experimental study on a simplified facility of HTGR reactor building response to depressurization accidental scenarios-18516 American Nuclear Society-ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park …, 2016.
- MP Childs Quantification of Boric Acid Concentration and Losses due to Vaporization in the PASTA Facility Texas A&M University, 2016.
- Z Zhang Nuclear engineering and design–Special edition on HTR 2014 conference Nuclear Engineering and Design 306, 1-1, 2016.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan Experimental study on bubble dynamics and wall heat transfer arising from a single nucleation site at subcooled flow boiling conditions–Part 1: Experimental methods and data … International Journal of Multiphase Flow 84, 315-324, 2016.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan Experimental study on bubble dynamics and wall heat transfer arising from a single nucleation site at subcooled flow boiling conditions–Part 2: Data analysis on sliding bubble … International Journal of Multiphase Flow 84, 292-314, 2016.
- H Wang, YA Hassan, E Dominguez-Ontiveros Experimental study of core bypass flow in a prismatic VHTR based on a two-layer block model Nuclear Engineering and Design 306, 98-107, 2016.
- H Wang, S Lee, YA Hassan Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow in the converging region of two parallel jets Nuclear Engineering and Design 306, 89-97, 2016.
- R Vaghetto, M Childs, E Kee, YA Hassan Observations and measurements of boric acid precipitation scenarios Progress in Nuclear Energy 91, 302-309, 2016.
- W Kanjanakijkasem, H Wang, E Dominguez-Ontiveros, YA Hassan Experimental and CFD studies of the bypass flow in a prismatic core of VHTR using a small-scale model Progress in Nuclear Energy 91, 223-235, 2016.
- C Estrada-Perez, N Tsengeg, E Hein, YA Hassan Mapping Turbulent Flow around a Rod Bundle Induced by a 5 x 5 PWR Mixing Vane Grid using Particle Tracking Velocimetry Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 115, 2016.
- N Goth, P Jones, M Childs, S Lee, DT Nguyen, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Pressure measurements in a wire-wrapped 61-pin hexagonal fuel bundle Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 115, 2016.
- JB Haefner, LB Carasik, YA Hassan Development and Verification of MATLAB Functions for Pressure Drop Estimation in Crossflow Tube Bundles Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 115, 2016.
- R Vaghetto, N Goth, M Childs, P Jones, S Lee, DT Nguyen, YA Hassan Flow field and pressure measurements in a 61-pin wire-wrapped bundle Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 115, 2016.
- S Lee, V Kyriakopoulos, S Abdulsattar, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan, J Leavitt Sensitivity tests of aluminum precipitate preparation methods on head loss through debris beds on a sump screen Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 115, 1531-1534, 2016.
- H Li, H Wang, YA Hassan, NK Anand Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Two Parallel Rectangular Jets Using OpenFOAM International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 50046, V004T10A030, 2016.
- LH Fick, E Merzari, YA Hassan Calculation of turbulent kinetic energy budgets for flow through a pebble bed using dns International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 50053, V005T15A058, 2016.
- LB Carasik, S Lee, AA Cabral, YA Hassan Temperature Measurements of Thermal Stratification and Turbulent Mixing in Nuclear Systems With a Single Heated Jet International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 50053, V005T15A061, 2016.
- L Brockmeyer, L Carasik, E Merzari, Y Hassan CFD investigation of wire-wrapped fuel rod bundle inner subchannel behavior and dependency on bundle size International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 50053, V005T15A062, 2016.
- BW Yang, YA Hassan, H Ninokata, J Shan, Y Zhang, B Zhang Challenges in reactor core thermal-hydraulics: subchannel analysis, CFD modeling and rod bundle CHF Kerntechnik 81 (3), 213-213, 2016.
- LB Carasik, YA Hassan, DR Shaver Turbulence Model Study for Pressure and Velocity Distributions for Molten Salts in a Crossflow Tube Bundle Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 114 (1), 2016.
- A Priye, V Ugaz DNA-to-go: A portable smartphone-enabled PCR assay platform arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.02252, 2016.
- A Priye, V Ugaz Thermally-Targeted Adsorption And Enrichment In Micro-scale Hydrothermal Pore Environments arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.00655, 2016.
- A Priye, R Muddu, Y Hassan, V Ugaz Selecting 3D chaotic flow states for accelerated DNA replication in micro scale convective PCR arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.06707, 2016.
- SK Kang, YA Hassan Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) round robin benchmark for a pressurized water reactor (PWR) rod bundle Nuclear Engineering and Design 301, 204-231, 2016.
- J Yooa, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan Experimental study on bubble dynamics and wall heat transfer arising from a single nucleation site at subcooled flow boiling conditions–Part 2: Data analysis on sliding bubble … International Journal of Multiphase Flow 84 (INL/JOU-16-38275), 2016.
- RW Johnson Handbook of fluid dynamics CRC press, 2016.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan Wall area of influence and growing wall heat transfer due to sliding bubbles in subcooled boiling flow Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2016.
- YA Hassan Multi-scale full-field measurements and near-wall modeling of turbulent subcooled boiling flow using innovative experimental techniques Nuclear Engineering and Design 299, 46-58, 2016.
- Y Hassan, N Anand Experimental and CFD Studies of Coolant Flow Mixing within Scaled Models of the Upper and Lower Plenums of NGNP Gas-Cooled Reactors Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States), 2016.
- L Capone, S Benhamadouche, YA Hassan Source terms modeling for spacer grids with mixing vanes for CFD simulations in nuclear reactors Computers & Fluids 126, 141-152, 2016.
- M Childs, L Kuffel, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Development of a measurement technique of boric acid concentration in high concentrated aqueous solutions 2016 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2016 …, 2016.
- L Brockmeyer, L Carasik, Hassan, Y. A. Wire-Wrapped Fuel Pin Effect of Bundle Size on Temperature Distribution for Uniform Heat Flux 2016 ANS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 12-16, 2016 113, 2016.
- SJ Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Numerical investigation of the flow inside the helical coil steam generator test section 8th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology …, 2016.
- M Delgado, S Lee, S Lee, YA Hassan Pressure Drop Measurements Across a Helical Coil Steam Generator Configuration 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- M Silberberg, S Lee, J Budd, YA Hassan Spectral Analysis of LDV Measurements Inside of the TAMU Air-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- SR Yang, M Silberberg, C Fullerton, T Nguyen, R Vaghetto, Y Hassan Experimental study on a simplified facility of HTGR reactor building response to depressurization accidental scenarios 8th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology …, 2016.
- S Lee, YA Hassan Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Parallel Twin Jets Measured using Particle Image Velocimetry 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- LB Carasik, H Wang, YA Hassan Verification and Validation of CFD Simulations Involving Twin Rectangular Jets using Steady RANS in Star-CCM+ 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- T Crook, R Vaghetto, A Vanni, YA Hassan Sensitivity Study of PWR Upper Vessel Flow and Phenomena using RELAP5-3D 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada, YA Hassan Improved Understanding toward Sliding Bubble Effect on Wall Heat Transfer in Subcooled Boiling Flow 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- AM Krueger, FS Sarikurt, LB Carasik, YA Hassan Uncertainty Quantification by Monte Carlo Analysis using CFD Simulations for GEMIX Benchmark Activities 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- CE Estrada, N Tsengeg, HA Hein, E. and Hassan Mapping Turbulent Flow around a Rod Bundle Induced by a 5×5 PWR Mixing Vane Grid using Particle Tracking Velocimetry 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- A Cabral, HA Lee, S. and Yassin Finding MP and CP using Ultrasonic Velocity Profile on Rectangular Twin Jets 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- JK Lai, E Merzari, SJ Lee, M Delgado, S Lee, YA Hassan Large Eddy Simulations for a Helical Coil Steam Generator 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- N Goth, M Childs, P Jones, S Lee, DT Nguyen, YA Hassan Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements in a Wire-Wrapped 61-Pin Hexagonal Fuel Bundle 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- J Mulloy, E Merzari, OHYA Marin Toward Linear Stability Analysis of Upper Plenum Flows 2016 ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, November 6-10, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada 114, 2016.
- BL Smith, M Andreani, A Badillo, A Dehbi, Y Sato, J Dreier, R Kapulla, … Computational Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Reactor Safety-5 (CFD4NRS-5). Workshop Proceedings, 9-11 September 2014, Zurich, Switzerland Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2016.
- S Benhamadouche, L Capone, YA Hassan Source terms modeling of nuclear reactors spacer grids with mixing vanes for CFD simulations Computers and Fluids 126, 141-152, 2016.
- F Masud, A Raja, H Manzoor, A Hassan, Y Hassan An Atypical Presentation of Acute Abdomen as a Cardioembolic Complication of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report J Cardiol Curr Res 5 (1), 00147, 2016.
- R Vaghetto, T Crook, A Vanni, YA Hassan Impact of Pressure Relief Holes on Core Coolability for a PWR during a Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident with Core Blockage Using RELAP5-3D Nuclear Technology 193 (1), 88-95, 2016.
- H Wang, S Lee, YA Hassan, AE Ruggles Laser-Doppler measurements of the turbulent mixing of two rectangular water jets impinging on a stationary pool International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 92, 206-227, 2016.
- YA Hassan, S Osturk, S Lee Rheological characterization of buffered boric acid aqueous solutions in light water reactors Progress in Nuclear Energy 85, 239-253, 2015.
- S Lee, SS Abdulsattar, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Permeability and compression of fibrous porous media generated from dilute suspensions of fiberglass debris during a loss of coolant accident Nuclear Engineering and Design 291, 244-260, 2015.
- KL McVay, JH Park, S Lee, YA Hassan, NK Anand Preliminary tests of particle image velocimetry for the upper plenum of a scaled model of a very high temperature gas cooled reactor Progress in Nuclear Energy 83, 305-317, 2015.
- MJ Kappes Particle Size Distributions of Debris Upstream and Downstream of the Containment Sump Strainer in a Light Water Reactor Texas A&M University, 2015.
- L Fick, E Merzari, Y Hassan Direct numerical simulation of the flow through a structured pebble bed near a wall boundary Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 57212, V001T03A008, 2015.
- CE Estrada-Perez, J Yoo, YA Hassan Feasibility investigation of experimental visualization techniques to study subcooled boiling flow International Journal of Multiphase Flow 73, 17-33, 2015.
- MJ Gorman Characterization of the Thermal Hydraulic Behavior of an Experimental Reactor Cavity Cooling System with Water Texas A&M University, 2015.
- NC Galegar Evaluation of Instantaneous Pressure Measurements on a Rod Surface in a 5 x 5 Bundle and Validation Through CFD Texas A&M University, 2015.
- SA Sulaiman, EE Dominguez-Ontiveros, T Alhashimi, JL Budd, MD Matos, … Design considerations and experimental observations for the TAMU air-cooled reactor cavity cooling system for the VHTR AIP Conference Proceedings 1659 (1), 2015.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan An accurate wall temperature measurement using infrared thermometry with enhanced two-phase flow visualization in a convective boiling system International Journal of Thermal Sciences 90, 248-266, 2015.
- L Cizelj, I Kljenak, YA Hassan An International Journal devoted to all aspects of Nuclear Fission Energy Preface NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 283, 1-1, 2015.
- T Crook, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Effects of Manual Operation during a Loss-of-Coolant Accident with Pump Unavailability 2015 ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 2015, San Antonio, USA 112, 2015.
- LH Fick, E Merzari, YA Hassan Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow in the Next Wall Region of a Pebble Bed 2015 ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 2015, San Antonio, USA 112, 2015.
- LB Carasik, YA Hassan, JW Clayton Development of a CFD Modeling for Pressure Drop Estimation of Molten Salts in a Crossflow Tube Bundle 2015 ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 2015, San Antonio, USA 112, 2015.
- LM Brockmeyer, FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan Wire-Wrapped Fuel Rod Mesh Sensitivity Study 2015 ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 2015 112, 2015.
- JL Budd, S Sulaiman, EE Dominguez-Ontiveros, M Matos, YA Hassan Experimental Results from TAMU Air-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System Experimental Test Facility 2015 ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 2015, San Antonio, USA 112, 2015.
- FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan CFD Benchmark Study for Modeling of Hydrogen Distribution in the Containment 2015 ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 2015, San Antonio, USA 112, 2015.
- M Gorman, YA Hassan Quasi-Steady State Analysis of the Global Flow Behavior of a Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) using Water 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- S Yang, V Kyriakopoulos, S Lee, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Development of Thermal Hydraulic Simulation Models for TAMU Water-Cooled RCCS 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- SK Kang, YA Hassan Application of the Lattice Boltzmann Method to Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics Problems 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- SK Kang, YA Hassan CFD Analysis for the PWR Rod Bundle with Split-Type Mixing Vanes 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- M Childs, P Jones, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Measurements of Boric Acid Concentration in PASTA Experimental Facility 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- S Lee, YA Hassan Development of Two-color/Two-dye Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) Using a Single Color Camera 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- J Park, A Alwafi, S Lee, YA Hassan, NK Anand Particle Image Velocimetry on a Single Buoyant Plume of the Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- JE Latimer, E Merzari, YA Hassan A Mesh of the Conic End Reduction of the Rods in the MATiS-H Facility 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- TM Crook, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Development of Thermal Hydraulic Simulation Models for TAMU Water-Cooled RCCS 2015 ANS Winter Meeting, & Expo, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC 112, 2015.
- A Priye Micro-scale complex flows enables robust DNA replication, enhanced transport and tunable fluid-particle interactions Texas A&M University, 2015.
- JS Yoo Experimental study on the subcooled boiling flow via optical measurement techniques Texas A&M University, 2015.
- A Alwafi, JH Park, S Lee, C Estrada-Perez, NK Anand, YA Hassan Study of the Flow at the Upper Plenum of a scaled VHTR using PTV The 17th International Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES 17), 2015.
- TN Blowe RANS CFD Methodologies for a PWR fuel rod assembly Texas A&M, 2015.
- B Beeny, R Vaghetto, K Vierow, YA Hassan A Sensitivity Study Supporting Comparative Analysis of MELCOR and GOTHIC Large Dry Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Models The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2015.
- B Beeny, R Vaghetto, K Vierow, YA Hassan MELCOR and GOTHIC Analyses of a Large Dry Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Resolution GSI-191 The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2015.
- FS Sarikurt CFD Simulations of Erosion of a stratified layer by a bouyant jet in a large vessel Texas A&M University, 2015.
- FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan CFD Simulations of Erosion of a stratified layer by a bouyant jet in a large vessel The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2015.
- R Vaghetto, S Lee, E Kee, YA Hassan Experimental observations of boric acid precipitation scenarios The 16th International Topic Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2015.
- TN Blowe, SK Kang, YA Hassan CFD methodologies for a PWR fuel rod assembly 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2015.
- S Lee, R Vaghetto, J Lim, M Kappes, YA Hassan The Effect of Electric Potential on Fibrous Debris Bypass through a Containment Sump Strainer Proceedings of the 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor …, 2015.
- LM Brockmeyer, FS Sarikurt, YA Hassan, E Merzari CFD investigation of wire-wrapped fuel rod bundles and flow sensitivity to bundles size Proceedings of the 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor …, 2015.
- LB Carasik, DR Shaver, YA Hassan Sensitivity of Boundary Conditions and Flow Domain for Pressure Drop Estimation for Molten Salts in a Crossflow Tube Bundle Conference Paper, 2015.
- S Yang, V Kyriakopoulos, S Lee, R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Experimental investigation of approach velocity effect on the fibrous debris penetration through a containment sump strainer for generic safety issue 191 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 113, 1463-1466, 2015.
- LB Carasik, F Sebilleau, SP Walker, YA Hassan URANS simulations of thermal stratification in a large enclosure for severe accident scenarios Proc. 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal …, 2015.
- Texas A&M University Multi-Dimensional Nodalization of a Pressurized Water Reactor Core Using RELAP5-3D WMK Cook, 2014.
- S Lee Pressure Drop and Filtration through Fibrous Porous Media on the Sump Strainer of Light Water Reactors Texas A&M University, 2014.
- TYS Alhashimi Measurement of temperature profile in the reactor cavity cooling system Texas A&M University, 2014.
- J Riznic, C Schroer, Y Hassan Material challenges for advanced reactors Nuclear Engineering and Design 280, 651-651, 2014.
- M Anderson, D Ranjan, Y Hassan Technical Development for S-CO2 Advanced Energy Conversion Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Texas A & M Univ., College …, 2014.
- R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Modeling the thermal–hydraulic behavior of the reactor cavity cooling system using RELAP5-3D Annals of Nuclear Energy 73, 75-83, 2014.
- E Dominguez-Ontiveros, YA Hassan Experimental study of a simplified 3× 3 rod bundle using DPTV Nuclear Engineering and Design 279, 50-59, 2014.
- M Corradin, M Anderson, M Muci, Y Hassan, A Dominguez, A Tokuhiro, … Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of an Experimental Reactor Cavity Cooling System with Air. Part I: Experiments; Part II: Separate Effects Tests and Modeling Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Texas A & M Univ., College …, 2014.
- MS Loginov, A Shams, N Amini, YA Hassan Towards the efficient turbulence closure for mixing phenomena in the core outlet of a nuclear reactor Nuclear Engineering and Design 278, 472-480, 2014.
- A Frisani, YA Hassan Computation fluid dynamics analysis of the reactor cavity cooling system for very high temperature gas-cooled reactors Annals of Nuclear Energy 72, 257-267, 2014.
- YA Hassan Full-field measurements of turbulent bubbly flow using innovative experimental techniques Texas A&M University. CASL-8-2014-0209-000, 2014.
- R Vaghetto, YA Hassan Experimental investigation of a scaled water-cooled reactor cavity cooling system Nuclear Technology 187 (3), 282-293, 2014.
- J Yoo, CE Estrada-Perez, YA Hassan A proper observation and characterization of wall nucleation phenomena in a forced convective boiling system International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76, 568-584, 2014.
- K Mcvay Experimental Design and Flow Visualization for the Upper Plenum of a Very High Temperature Gas Cooled for Computer Fluid Dynamics Validation Texas A&M University, 2014.
- P Ward, Y Hassan, E Merzari, P Fischer Direct numerical simulation and linear stability analysis of the flow in a pebble bed Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 46230, V01CT15A012, 2014.
- H Goumnerov Validation of a Three Dimensional Particle Tracking Velocimetry Software M. Sc. Thesis, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA, 2014.
- Y Hassan, M Corradini, A Tokuhiro, TYC Wei CFD Model Development and Validation for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) Applications Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Argonne National Lab …, 2014.
- R Vaghetto, A Franklin, A Vanni, YA Hassan Sensitivity Analysis of the Response of PWR Containment During a Loss of Coolant Accident Using RELAP5-3D and MELCOR International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 45912, V02BT09A062, 2014.
- T Crook, R Vaghetto, A Vanni, YA Hassan Sensitivity analysis of a PWR response during a loss of coolant accident under a hypothetical core blockage scenario using RELAP5-3D International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 45950, V005T17A073, 2014.
- S Lee, YA Hassan, R Vaghetto, S Abdulsattar, M Kappes Water chemistry sensitivity on fibrous debris bypass through a containment sump strainer International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 45912, V02BT09A055, 2014.
- S Lee, S Abdulsattar, YA Hassan Head Loss Through Fibrous Beds Generated on Different Types of Containment Sump Strainers International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 45950, V005T17A069, 2014.
- W Huhu, L Saya, YA Hassan, AE Ruggles Experimental Study of the Twin Turbulent Water Jets Using Laser Doppler Anemometry for Validating Numerical Models Texas A&M University, 2014.
- JH Park, K McVay, NK Anand, S Lee, YA Hassan An experimental study of coolant flow mixing within scaled model of the upper plenum of VHTR Texas A&M University, 2014.
- CH Song, BL Smith, D Bestion, YA Hassan Special issue of the 4. workshop on the CFD for nuclear reactor safety (CFD4NRS-4) Nuclear Engineering and Design 279, 2014.
- S Lee, YA Hassan, SS Abdulsattar, R Vaghetto Experimental study of head loss through an LOCA-generated fibrous debris bed deposited on a sump strainer for Generic Safety Issue 191 Progress in Nuclear Energy 74, 166-175, 2014.
- P Ward Direct Numerical Simulation of the Flow in a Pebble Bed Texas A&M University, 2014.
- SS Abdulsattar Head Loss Through Fibrous Debris Bed with Different Types of Perforated Strainers Texas A&M University, 2014.
- R Hino, MA Fütterer, Y Hassan Special edition on HTR 2012 conference Nucl. Eng. Design 271 (1), 2014.
- H Wang, E Dominguez-Ontiveros, YA Hassan Computational fluid dynamics analysis of core bypass flow and crossflow in a prismatic very high temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor based on a two-layer block model Nuclear Engineering and Design 268, 64-76, 2014.
- N Amini, YA Hassan Experimental study of bypass flow in near wall gaps of a pebble bed reactor using hot wire anemometry technique Annals of Nuclear Energy 65, 60-71, 2014.
- S Sulaiman, Dominguez-Ontiveros, H Wang, Y Hassan Design of TAMU Air-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System Experimental Test Facility 2014 ANS Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 2014, Reno, Nevada 110, 2014.
- R Vaghetto, A Vanni, A Franklin, Y Hassan Sensitivity Analysis of the Pressure Response of a Typical Large, Dry Containment During a Double Ended Guillotine Break LOCA Using RELAP5-3d and MELCOR 2014 ANS Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 2014, Reno, Nevada 110, 2014.
- H Wang, S S., Y Hassan Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of NGNP Reactor Cavity Cooling System with Air 2014 ANS Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 2014, Reno, Nevada 110, 2014.
- N Galegar, Dominguez-Ontiveros, Y Hassan Turbulence Intensity and Pressure Drop Fluctuations Experienced Downstream of a mixing Grid the 2014 ANS Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 2014, Reno, Nevada 110, 2014.
- S Abdulsattar, S Lee, Y Hassan Experimental Study of Pressure Drop through a Fibrous Debris Bed Generated on a Perforated Plate with Embedded Mesh Screen 2014 ANS Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 2014, Reno, Nevada 110, 2014.
- S Lee, R Vaghetto, S Abdulsattar, M Kappes, Y Hassan Effects of pH and Electrical Conductivity on the Quality of Fibrous Debris Bypass through a Containment Sump Strainer 2014 ANS Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 2014, Reno, Nevada 110, 2014.
- LB Carasik, AE Ruggles, YA Hassan Preliminary investigation of turbulent flow behavior of 3-D twin jets using CFD analysis Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 110, 689-692, 2014.
- T Crook, R Vaghetto, A Vanni, Y Hassan Emergency Core Cooling System Sensitivity Analysis for a Four-Loop Pressurized Water Reactor with Three Independent Injection Trains 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 9-13, 2014, Anaheim, CA 111, 2014.
- E Dominguez-Ontiveros, H Goumnerov, Y Hassan Experimental Study of Twin Turbulent Parallel Jets Using an Open-Source Three Dimensional Particle Tracking Velocimetry Software 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 9-13, 2014, Anaheim, CA 111, 2014.
- M Kappes, S Lee, H Y. Size Characterization of Fibrous Nukon Debris Upstream and Downstream of the Containment Sump Strainer 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 9-13, 2014, Anaheim, CA 111, 2014.
- S Lee, M Kappes, H Y. Compression of Fibrous Porous Media Generated on Containment Sump Strainers 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 9-13, 2014, Anaheim, CA 111, 2014.
- K McVay, J Park, S Lee, Y Hassan, A N.K. Experimental Design and Flow Visualization for the Upper Plenum of a Scaled VHTR 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 9-13, 2014, Anaheim, CA 111, 2014.
- E Dominquez-Ontiveros, H Goumnerov, Y Hassan Benchmark Data for CFD Validation using 2D-PIV in Turbulent Parallel Planar Jets 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, November 9-13, 2014, Anaheim, CA 111, 2014.
- CE Estrada Perez Multi-Scale Experiments in Turbulent Subcooled Boiling Flow Through a Square Channel with a Single Heated Wall Texas A&M, 2014.
- YA Park, Jae-Hyung, McVay, Kyle, Anand, N.K., Lee, Saya, & Hassan An experimental study of coolant flow mixing within scaled model of the upper plenum of VHTR The 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics …, 2014.
- B Yang, YA Hassan, J Shan, B Zhang, J Gou, L Cao Subchannel analysis, CFD modeling and verifications, CHF experiments and benchmarking Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2014 (1), 209747, 2014.
- F Meng, MD King, YA Hassan, VM Ugaz Localized fluorescent complexation enables rapid monitoring of airborne nanoparticles Environmental Science: Nano 1 (4), 358-366, 2014.
- R Vaghetto, A Franklin, YA Hassan Sensitivity Study of Hypothetical Debris-Generated Core Blockage Scenarios ANS Winter Meeting, 2013.
- A Priye, YA Hassan, VM Ugaz Microscale chaotic advection enables robust convective DNA replication Analytical chemistry 85 (21), 10536-10541, 2013.
- JR Riznic To the special issue on the 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-14) Nuclear Engineering and Design 264, 1-2, 2013.
- ME Conner, YA Hassan, EE Dominguez-Ontiveros Hydraulic benchmark data for PWR mixing vane grid Nuclear Engineering and Design 264, 97-102, 2013.
- Y Hassan Investigation on the core bypass flow in a very high temperature reactor Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Texas A …, 2013.
- J Ortiz-Villafuerte, WD Schmidl, YA Hassan Three-dimensional PIV measurements of bubble drag and lift coefficients in restricted media Revista mexicana de física 59 (5), 444-452, 2013.
- Y Hassan Experimental Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boiling https://www.casl.gov/sites/default/files/docs/CASL-U-2013-0214-000.pdf, 2013.