Citation: A. Gandhir, Y. A. Hassan RANS Modeling for Flow in Nuclear Fuel Bundle in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) Nuclear Engineering and Design Journal, Vol. 241, Issue 11, pp. 4404-4408, 2011. 2011-11-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Experimental Characterization of Temperature Sensitive Dyes for Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Thermometry
Citation: C. E. Estrada-Perez, Y. A. Hassan, S. Tan Experimental Characterization of Temperature Sensitive Dyes for Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Thermometry Review of Scientific Instruments Journal, Vol. 82, Issue 7, 074901, 7 pages, 2011. 2011-07-01 … [Read more...]
Localized Fluorescent Complexation Enables Rapid Monitoring of Airborne Nanoparticles
Citation: F. Meng, M. D. King, Y. A. Hassan, V. M. Ugaz Localized Fluorescent Complexation Enables Rapid Monitoring of Airborne Nanoparticles Environmental Science: Nano, Vol. 1, pp. 358-366, 2014. 2014-04-01 … [Read more...]
Experimental study of core bypass flow in a prismatic VHTR based on a two-layer block model
Citation: H. Wang, Y. A. Hassan, E. Dominguez-Ontiveros, Experimental study of core bypass flow in a prismatic VHTR based on a two-layer block model Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015. 2015-11-10Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Laser-Doppler measurements of the turbulent mixing of two rectangular water jets impinging on a stationary pool
Citation: H. Wang, S. Lee, Y. A. Hassan, A. E. Ruggles Laser-Doppler measurements of the turbulent mixing of two rectangular water jets impinging on a stationary pool International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 92, pp. 206-227, 2016. 2016-01-31Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow in the converging region of two parallel jets
Citation: H. Wang, S. Lee, Y. A. Hassan Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow in the converging region of two parallel jets Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015. 2015-11-28Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
An accurate wall temperature measurement using infrared thermometry with enhanced two-phase flow visualization in a convective boiling system
Citation: J. Yoo, C. E. Estrada-Perez, Y. A. Hassan An accurate wall temperature measurement using infrared thermometry with enhanced two-phase flow visualization in a convective boiling system International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 90, pp. 248-266, 2015. 2015-01-16Associated Project(s): - … [Read more...]
Feasibility investigation of experimental visualization techniques to study subcooled boiling flow
Citation: C. E. Estrada-Perez, J. Yoo, Y. A. Hassan Feasibility investigation of experimental visualization techniques to study subcooled boiling flow International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 73, pp. 17-33, 2015. 2015-03-04Associated Project(s): - 1. CASL … [Read more...]
A proper observation and characterization of wall nucleation phenomena in a forced convective boiling system
Citation: J. Yoo, C. E. Estrada-Perez, Y. A. Hassan A proper observation and characterization of wall nucleation phenomena in a forced convective boiling system International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 76, pp. 568-584, 2014. 2014-06-02Associated Project(s): - 1. CASL … [Read more...]
PTV experiments of subcooled boiling flow through a vertical rectangular channel
Citation: C. E. Estrada-Perez, Y. A. Hassan PTV experiments of subcooled boiling flow through a vertical rectangular channel International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 36, pp. 691-706, 2010. 2010-09-01Associated Project(s): - 1. CASL … [Read more...]
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of the Reactor Cavity Cooling System for Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
Citation: A. Frisani, Y. A. Hassan Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of the Reactor Cavity Cooling System for Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 72, pp. 257-267, 2014. 2014-10-01Associated Project(s): - 1. NEUP … [Read more...]
Towards the Efficient Turbulence Closure for Mixing Phenomena in the Core Outlet of a Nuclear Reactor
Citation: M. S. Loginov, A. Shams, N. Amini, Y. A. Hassan Towards the Efficient Turbulence Closure for Mixing Phenomena in the Core Outlet of a Nuclear Reactor Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 278, pp. 472-480, 2014. 2014-10-01 … [Read more...]
Experimental Study of Bypass Flow in Near Wall Gaps of a Pebble Bed Reactor Using Wire Anemometry Technique
Citation: N. Amini, Y. A. Hassan Experimental Study of Bypass Flow in Near Wall Gaps of a Pebble Bed Reactor Using Wire Anemometry Technique Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 65, pp. 60-71, 2014. 2014-03-01Associated Project(s): - 1. NEUP … [Read more...]
Measurement of subcooled flow boiling using Particle Tracking Velocimetry and infrared thermographic technique
Citation: Y. A. Hassan, C. E. Estrada-Perez, J. Yoo Measurement of subcooled flow boiling using Particle Tracking Velocimetry and infrared thermographic technique Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 268, pp. 185-190, 2014. 2014-03-01Associated Project(s): - 1. CASL … [Read more...]
Experimental Investigation of a Scaled Water-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Citation: R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Experimental Investigation of a Scaled Water-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System Nuclear Technology, Vol. 187, pp. 282-293, 2014. 2014-09-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Permeability and compression of fibrous porous media generated from dilute suspensions of fiberglass debris during a loss of coolant accident
Citation: S. Lee, S. S. Abdulsattar, R. Vaghetto, Y. A. Hassan Permeability and compression of fibrous porous media generated from dilute suspensions of fiberglass debris during a loss of coolant accident Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 291, pp. 244-260, 2015. 2015-09-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Experimental study of head loss through an LOCA-generated fibrous debris bed deposited on a sump strainer for Generic Safety Issue 191
Citation: S. Lee, Y. A. Hassan, S. S. Abdulsattar, and R. Vaghetto Experimental study of head loss through an LOCA-generated fibrous debris bed deposited on a sump strainer for Generic Safety Issue 191 Progress in Nuclear Engineering, Vol. 74, pp. 166-175, 2014. 2014-07-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Preliminary tests of particle image velocimetry for the upper plenum of a scaled model of a very high temperature gas cooled reactor
Citation: K. L. McVay, J. H. Park, S. Lee, Y. A. Hassan, and N. K. Anand Preliminary tests of particle image velocimetry for the upper plenum of a scaled model of a very high temperature gas cooled reactor Progress in Nuclear Engineering, Vol. 83, pp. 305-317, 2015. 2015-08-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Rheological characterization of buffered boric acid aqueous solutions in light water reactors
Citation: Yassin A. Hassan, Serdar Osturk, and Saya Lee Rheological characterization of buffered boric acid aqueous solutions in light water reactors Progress in Nuclear Engineering, Vol. 85, pp. 239-253, 2015. 2015-11-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]
Experimental Study of the Effect of Graphite Dispersion on the Heat Transfer Phenomena in a Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Citation: R. Vaghetto, L. Capone, Y. A. Hassan Experimental Study of the Effect of Graphite Dispersion on the Heat Transfer Phenomena in a Reactor Cavity Cooling System Nuclear Technology, Vol. 177, pp. 217-230, 2012. 2012-02-01Associated Project(s): … [Read more...]