Experiments conducted by the researchers at the Thermal Hydraulics Research Laboratory to investigate the dynamics of a human sneeze and the implications on COVID-19 transmission have been broadcasted by BBC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMIGFNrikQ More information on the BBC … [Read more...]
A supportive COVID-19 study: Experimental Investigation on a Human Sneeze
Researchers at the Thermal Hydraulics Research Laboratory have conducted experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations investigating the dynamics of a human sneeze. Objectives Droplets and aerosols ejected during the human sneeze possibly contains infectious … [Read more...]
A supportive COVID-19 study: How effective are common materials as homemade respiratory masks?
Researchers at the Thermal Hydraulics Research Laboratory have conducted experiments studying the efficacy of homemade and mass-produced masks. Supplies of mass-produced masks have decreased as the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed, necessitating the use of homemade masks. Objectives Face masks … [Read more...]
Students of the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory Awarded at the 2019 ANS Student Conference
The 2019 ANS Student Conference was held at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. Students from the Thermal Hydraulic Research Laboratory presented research in the Thermal Hydraulics and Fluids Division. From the seven universities present within the division, our laboratory took home … [Read more...]
Gerrit Botha Awarded the Best Student Poster at the ICONE-26
Gerrit Botha, a PhD candidate of the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory, won the best student poster for the US award at the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE26 hosted in London, with the title, "The Influence of Pebble Placement on the Wake of Tandem Pebbles in a Free … [Read more...]
Students Received the 2018 Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Award
Stephen King and Nolan Goth have been selected for the U.S Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Office of Nuclear Technology R&D 2018 Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Award. Stephen King, undergraduate student from the Nuclear Engineering Department is currently working … [Read more...]
Congratulations to the Students of the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Lab for their Award
Congratulations to the students of the thermal-hydraulic research laboratory for the "Best Undergraduate Paper & Presentation in the Thermal Hydraulics Division" award at the 2018 American Nuclear Society Student Conference, with their article entitled "Analysis of Radial Velocity … [Read more...]
Suzanne Jaworowski Visits the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory
During the Fifth Advanced Reactors Technical Summit & Technology Trailblazers Showcase (February 20-22, 2018 - College Station, Texas), Ms. Suzanne Jaworowski visited the thermal-hydraulic research laboratory. During the tour, Suzie visited the test facilities used to study the Advanced Reactor … [Read more...]
Attendees of the 5th Advanced Reactors Technical Summit Visit the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory
Students and researchers of the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory guided a group of attendees of the 5th Advanced Reactors Technical Summit Visit the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory through the laboratory test facilities. Representatives from Argonne National Laboratory, Canadian … [Read more...]
Meeting at the South Texas Project Nuclear Power Plant
Within the framework of the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, representatives of the Idaho National Laboratory and the Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory met reactor engineers at the plant. The laboratory is collaborating with the INL in the development of new advanced computational … [Read more...]